spouse career support

Looking for a way to retain and support your top international talents and their families in Finland?

Look no further, The Shortcut is here to help!

At The Shortcut, our mission is to keep the international talents and their families thriving in Finland. That’s why we’ve launched our Spouse Career Support, a national-level career coaching program that engages and empowers the spouses of international talents, offering personalized coaching, networking opportunities, and workshops.

With proven success stories and partnerships with industry leaders like Supercell, Google, and Amazon, we would love to explore how our program can enhance your talent attraction and engagement strategies.

Interested in learning more?

Who are we?

The Shortcut is an impact-driven and non-profit organization and we are the place for professional integration and career transformation in Finland. We are owned by the Startup Foundation and are a sister company to Maria 01, Slush and Junction.

We have provided the City of Helsinki’s Spouse Program with a career coaching service featuring a high 70% success rate and helping nearly 100 spouses with their families to find their place in Finland. Our career coaching program for international talents in Työ-SIB with S-Pankki and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has already been supporting 500+ talents towards their career goals. Our other recent partners include, among others, Google, Supercell, Amazon, Microsoft, Business Finland, Espoo, Vantaa, VTT and KPMG.

what do we offer?

The Shortcut proudly presents our Spouse Career Support: Career coaching as a way to keep international talents and their families thriving in Finland. 

The program lasts for 1-2 months and includes unlimited topics related to career counselling, coaching, starting your business, entrepreneurship and integration into Finland. 

Participating spouses in the program will also receive the following:

  • A getting-to-know-each-other call
  • An introductory session + individual coaching (3 to 4 hours, either online or in-person)
  • Access into The Shortcut’s Talent Community
  • Invitations into The Shortcut’s Career Workshops and Events

who can benefit from this program?

Both employers and international spouses can enjoy great benefits from our Spouse Career Support.

For employers

This is a flexible “hop-on-hop-off”, collaborative, national-level coaching program that consists of individual career and business coaching, networking and workshops. We will support your employees’ spouses in building meaningful career, make them feel welcome and integrate them into the community. This is a taxable benefit, and we offer flexible packages and pricing to best suit your organizational needs.

For spouses

Did you move to Finland for your partner’s job and would like to get support in finding your place in Finland? We’d be happy to discuss with your partner’s company to see whether this could be a benefit they’d be interested to sponsor for you! Together with your partner, you can encourage their companies’ HR/ Talent Acquisition/ Relocation/ Operations experts to reach out to us.

meet our team of coaches


Career Coach | Head of Career Development
Virpi is an inspirational and caring coach (ICF ACC certified) who has worked with hundreds of individuals from various backgrounds. Before starting her own career coaching business and volunteering in the spouse & expat community in Spain, Virpi specialized in international talent acquisition and used to work in various global HR roles, recruiting, relocating and supporting +400 people in Finland, Sweden, China, India and Spain. Together with her multicultural background and growth mindset, she has helped already over 150 of her clients believe in themselves and reach their goals. As a Career and Business Coach, Virpi has also supported over 90 entrepreneurs and startups to start or expand their businesses.

Anna Weissenberg About Team


Career Coach

Anna is a ICF PCC certified career coach with a warm and supportive approach to guiding professionals through career transitions. Anna specializes in assisting individuals seeking a career change, and has successfully coached over 200 clients during 800+ coaching hours. Anna's unique perspective is shaped by a decade spent living in both Malaysia and Hungary, following her partner's work assignments. This international experience has enriched her understanding of diverse career landscapes, identity, and cultural nuances, working with both international talent and their partners.

Yvonne Westerlund Career Coach


Career Coach

Yvonne is a warm hearted and seasoned career and leadership coach who specializes in career development, intentional communication, networking, mindset matters and self confidence when pursuing one’s dreams. She is dedicated in supporting both International talents and Finns in navigating the ever changing local work landscape. With a background in Finnish business life and recruiting she brings a lot of needed understanding to the table.

elisabet miheludaki

Career Coach

As an entrepreneur, Elisabet developed with her team a job search platform that saved job-seekers about 9 hours per week from job search, giving them learning tips based on their interests, existing skill set, and the job market demand. Apart from her work with the digital platform, she has created many courses related to soft skills (networking, time management) and various aspects of entrepreneurship. She has advised over 600 job-seekers of various backgrounds, occupations and ages since 2022, and back in 2018-19, she created a very popular mentorship program for foreigners that is still ongoing.

lidiia salo

Career Coach

Lidiia is a career coach, a job search mentor, and the creator of the course "Get Your Dream Job in Finland". Being a foreigner herself, Lidiia understands very well the challenges highly-educated international professionals face in Finland. This is what led her to her mission of supporting highly-educated internationals in living a better life in Finland. This aligns perfectly with The Shortcut's values.

we have worked with

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Have more questions?

Reach out to our CEO Riikka Loisamo
[email protected]
or Lead Career Coach Virpi Jalonen
[email protected]