Clarity is Key: The Essential Mindset Shifts for Business and Startup Owners to Accelerate Growth

In the fast-paced business world, having the right mindset is the compass spearheading towards success and growth. In this guest post, clarity coach and Spark Academy trainer Jenni Glad shares valuable insights on the vital shifts in perspective that can help fellow business and startup owners accelerate their ventures and achieve their goals.

Jenni Glad has been in the world of personal and professional development for over ten years, after transforming over 12 years of a global career in IT, mobile marketing, and telecoms to follow their calling and purpose as a coach, mentor, and visionary online entrepreneur.

Jenni focuses on supporting visionary leaders and entrepreneurs in balancing work-life well-being, habits, emotional grit, and conscious leadership, helping them grow and leverage both personally and professionally.

1. embrace change

Growth requires change, which can often be uncomfortable, especially when you are just starting, but also later when your business is growing. See this phase as “growing pains”; it’s a phase that will pass. View the change as an opportunity and guidance, not a threat. What is the worst thing that could happen? The key mental skills are resilience and perseverance. Let your passion, mission, and vision motivate you.


The startup phase requires a lot of learning, but also later in your business, you will need to learn business and leadership skills, overcome bad decisions, and tolerate insecurities related to your decisions, among other things. Approach your business with a growth mindset; it’s a journey and a marathon rather than a sprint.

3. Focus on short-term wins that move your business towards long-term goals

Thinking about long-term goals can feel paralyzing and overwhelming, as there’s so much to do and often you don’t know how to get there. Track your progress and break down the long-term goals into clear, achievable daily tasks, weekly and monthly goals. This will grow your confidence and trust muscles as you get the sense of gratification from seeing progress happening every day.

4. Build habits that maintain well-being and energy

Working too hard, without proper boundaries and prioritizing your energy and wellbeing, might bring results the hard way. Whether you are just starting up or already established, this provides you the opportunity to choose new ways and habits. Entrepreneurs often struggle with their working habits and boundaries, knowing when they have done enough. Success, happiness, and wellbeing come down to the right habits and self-leadership skills. Develop a foundation that will contribute to your business’s growth, wellness, and effective energy and time management skills.

5. Learn how to overcome mental obstacles

Every startup owner will face emotional and mental obstacles, such as self-doubt, fear of failure, and limiting beliefs. Recognizing and overcoming these barriers, and learning how to regulate your emotions, stresses, and ability to tame your inner gremlins is so important. Having support, a mentor, or coaching and surrounding yourself with like-minded peers and people is crucial for maintaining clarity, motivation and steering your business courageously.

If these topics resonate strongly with you, you can connect with Jenni on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Author: Jenni Glad

Editor: Evan Bui