Entrepreneur of the Month: Eduardo Solorzano Tejeda

After a long holiday, we’re back in the full swing of things this August, and so is our Entrepreneur of the Month series. This month, we’d like to introduce you to Eduardo Solorzano Tajeda, an experienced graphic designer who’s running his own business to help companies develop their digital products (UX/UI design), improve their visual branding, and facilitate engaging and communicating with their customers. Eduardo has been a part of The Shortcut’s community since 2019, and now he’s proud to share his accomplishments and advice as a solo entrepreneur.

Under his belt, Eduardo has successfully crafted designs for software, mobile apps, web tools, websites, logos, branding and marketing materials, advertising, corporate packages, and other visual content, including illustrations, icons, merchandise, and animations. His diverse portfolio, also spans a wide array of companies and organizations in various countries. 

“Being an entrepreneur hasn't been an easy nor linear path.”

When asked to reflect on his entrepreneurial journey thus far, Eduardo said he’s found his diverse international experience a great asset in his work, though he still acknowledged the realistic challenges that come with being a solo entrepreneur. 

“I have found it both challenging and rewarding to work with a wide range of diverse organizations in different countries. Having a varied experience is not always seen as an advantage, but I think it really is since that gives me the opportunity to bring different perspectives and explore solutions that bring value and open up new opportunities to achieve goals and provide customer satisfaction.” 

To help provide peer-learning experience for our community, we also asked Eduardo about what he considered, in his experience, the most crucial pitfalls that all entrepreneurs should steer clear of. He remarked that the biggest issues for him stemmed from the very beginning: the work contract, or sometimes the lack thereof.

“Not having a clear and specific agreement (or not having one at all) that includes what is expected, what the goals of the job and the deliverables are and even what happens in case either of the parts violates the contract. I think it might save time and stress if you take a moment to write a good and fair contract.”

improve designs and inspire artists

So, what’s next for Eduardo’s designing business? And what goals does he have for the future as a entrepreneur? For Eduardo, it’s all about continuing to do what he loves: improving digital services and product designs for his clients, but in a grander scale.

“I wish I could step into a bigger project to help more users and contribute to improve digital services,he shares. 

Eduardo also reveals that his long-term personal goal is to inspire fellow designers and be a model for artists in the community. He seeks to help people to realize their dreams and make a difference in this world, and he’s always willing to lend a guiding hand for them if needed.

“I hope that with time I could also serve as a reference for other designers to follow their dreams and be a change for the society and the planet. I am always pleased to learn more and help people.”

Author & Editor: Evan Bui

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Entrepreneur of the Month: Eduardo Tejeda

Eduardo Solorzano Tajeda is an experienced graphic designer who’s running his own business to help companies develop their digital products (UX/UI design). Eduardo has been a part of The Shortcut’s community since 2019, and now he’s proud to share his accomplishments and advice as a solo entrepreneur.

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