The weather is getting cooler as autumn settles into Finland, but the reception we’ve got from our Entrepreneur of the Month has been truly heartwarming. There are so many talents in our community that deserve the spotlight, and we’re doing the best we can to showcase their hard work and effort. 

One such talent is this edition’s feature: meet Valeria Rogozha, co-founder of We Pet Care, a premium pet care service that combines her passion for animals with a commitment to offering reliable, personalized care that gives pet owners peace of mind when they are away. Their services include home visits, pet boarding, daily updates, and are fully tailored to fit the every need of your furry friends!

a labor of love

Valeria was a participant of one of our very first Spark Program cohorts back in 2022, after which she founded the business with her partner Natasha. We Pet Care is a true labor of love for Valeria, as the inspiration for it is very near and dear to her heart.

“The idea for We Pet Care was inspired by our own experience with our beloved Maine Coon cat, Lord. He required special care, which made it difficult to leave him with others when we traveled. We struggled to find someone we could trust to provide the level of care and attention he needed. This experience made us realize how many other pet owners face the same challenge, especially with pets that require special care.” 

With their previous experience in pet care and pet sitting, Valeria and Natasha began to offer pet care services to their first customers in the Helsinki area. As pet owners themselves, they truly consider all pets as children or family members, and believe that they should be treated as such. Therefore, she particularly emphasizes the importance of building trust with the pets and their owners when the services start.

“Our business is trust-based so we always try to build and cement trust first. Before the service starts, we invite the customer to come over and get to know us personally first. We also send them daily updates with videos and pictures to assure them the pets are doing well!”

Valeria believes the key to their ongoing success is the understanding that every pet has its own unique personality and behavior; hence, they need special attention and personalized care, as well as a stress free environment. 

“We want to ensure the highest level of care and satisfaction, and that’s why we only take in one pet or one household of pets at a time. That way we can minimize the risk of conflict with other pets and also potential contagious illnesses.”

a challenging but rewarding journey

Valeria’s journey to entrepreneurship has not been a straightforward one, but it has definitely been rewarding.

Coming to Helsinki 3 years ago as a business student, Valeria had no prior entrepreneurship experience and didn’t know many people here. She started working part-time as a pet sitter and really enjoyed the work, amassing more and more return customers as she went. Upon her graduation, however, she found herself at a crossroads figuring out what to do next. She contemplated giving entrepreneurship a try, making a business out of doing what she does best. It certainly has proven to be a success now, but looking back, Valeria recalls many challenges on the way.

“We encountered challenges, especially because we lacked knowledge about entrepreneurship in Finland. There were organizational issues and problems with taxes and such. We learned everything on the go from experience. We also didn’t seek or receive support initially, which meant we had to tackle many obstacles independently. However, our extensive experience in pet care proved invaluable and greatly supported us on our journey. We also soon realized that maintaining these standards of service required balancing work and personal life. This balance helps us stay energized and enthusiastic, allowing us to consistently provide the best care for pets.”


We Pet Care has been a huge success for Valeria and Natasha, and they have built a loyal customer base that keeps coming back for more! The business is doing so well and many customers even consider their service a second family to their pets due to the excellent quality of care, which further boosts their reputation.

“We Pet Care is doing really well, and we are grateful for the trust our clients have placed in us. We’ve built a loyal customer base, and the positive feedback has been incredibly rewarding. Most of our customers are return customers, and we have really good relationships with them. We’re at a point now where we’re thinking about what we can do next with the business.”

That next step for We Pet Care may very well involve expansion and recruiting the first new team members, according to Valeria. As their business grows, they have begun to recognize the need for more people and resources.

“Our current resources are quite limited. Therefore, we’re planning to expand and hire new workers to join our team. Our dream is to expand our services to reach even more pet owners and their beloved pets, ensuring their happiness and well-being.”


So, what has been the most important takeaway Valeria has gained from running her own business? According to her, this entrepreneurship experience has taught her just how capable and determined she is to overcome all obstacles in her way.

“I feel so proud to be honest that I’m having my own business. When I was younger, I used to think that it’s not possible for one person or one woman to do this on her own, and society didn’t encourage me to do it. Luckily, I was very stubborn and didn’t give up, and that allowed me to overcome the setbacks and doubters.”

Valeria is happy to share a few words of advice for other aspiring entrepreneurs in The Shortcut’s community, saying it’s all about believing in yourself and immersing yourself in the field before getting started.

“Try to work in the field inside and out so you can really get those insights, and keep on going and trust yourself that you can do it. Working on my business over time gave me more and more certainty that I could do this. Also, always be open to give and receive advice.”

If you are looking for pet care service or someone to look after your fur babies while you’re away, why not give We Pet Care a try? Check out their website and full list of services here! Be prepared to see glowing reviews from previous customers and a lot of cute pet pictures!

Author & Editor: Evan Bui

Photos supplied by Valeria Rogozha.

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