attitude change collective

Join our growing collective of private and public actors 

In the greater Helsinki region there are currently 10,000 un- or underemployed highly educated foreigners. At the same time, there is a labor market shortage and a need especially for tech experts.
We believe that the professional integration of international talents is a game-changer for making Finland globally competitive. Together with you as our Partner, we can ensure that Finland is innovative and diverse. 

join our attitude change collective

Finland will need 130,000 new employees by 2030 in order to stay competitive because of the aging population. 

Foreign talent is the solution.

At The Shortcut, we believe that employment is the best form of integration. Over the past eight years, The Shortcut has made a significant impact on integration efforts, and now we aim to take a more active role in policy advocacy. The current immigration discussion and momentum in society supports our mission. 

The Shortcut is now creating a collective of private and public actors that share our vision of creating growth and ensuring Finland’s competitiveness through diversity. The collective will raise awareness about the challenges and benefits of attracting foreign talent by publishing joint editorials in Finnish media and running other public relations campaigns. We plan to launch this effort publicly with an integrated marketing campaign in March 2025, with activities and events continuing into 2026.

support our mission

Finland is in dire need of international talents to grow and prosper. At the same time, there are numerous well-educated people looking for meaningful employment. The mission of The Shortcut is to make these two parties meet and help integrate foreign talents into the Finnish work life.

Join our growing network of partners to support our mission and gain exclusive benefits and visibility in our projects. We offer the following partnership programs:

  • Mission Supporter 
  • Program Partner
  • Community Partner
Please contact us for more information on what the different partnership programs include and their pricing.
Two Women with Microsoft Computer Partners The Shortcut

How we can Collaborate

We partner with both private and public organizations to provide much-needed professional training and integration programs. While many of the services that we offer are open to our entire community, some, like specialized training and coaching, are limited by many factors entirely determined by our partner organization requirements.

If you would like to partner with us to offer training or services, send us a message.

our network of partners

hannes snellman

Community Partner

Is your organisation interested in joining the collective?
contact us!

Sign up for the attitude change campaign newsletter

get in touch with us directly

Niels Marselis, Project Manager